Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hello everyone, here to post.
Let me post about the changes we had from the past compared to now okay!
When we were sec 1.
We were so united, nothing can bring us down.
But what happened to us now? What are we? You is you, me is me.
Where have the united spirit go to?
Don't mind me for saying this.
Many people changed, including myself.
And during folkdance, where's the spirit of our enthusiasm towards folkdance?
All gone, I know folkdance is tiring.
But no choice, we are the best last year. But this year?
I think 2D is catching up, in academics all this.
And don't keep let Zhaohua shout, althought I have to let him shout too.
But it's tiring to keep a class of 40 people quiet.
Why don't you try being one? See whether you can do it anot.
I'm not trying to imply anything here, I just want us to be like last year.
K, this year.

When we are sec 2.
Yup, as I said we changed.
Yup, everyone please. Cooperate.
Let's be like last year, shall we?
K, byebye. Don't keep the tagboard alive while the blog dead.


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