Friday, May 7, 2010

Hi, Raymond here. Here to tell you the available dates for the chalet.
The chalet have two kind, Premium and Regular.
There are different facilities for both.
Premium- The toilet has a bath tub and on the second floor, there's another LCD tv.
Regular- The toilet has no bath tub, there only one LCD tv and it's located at there first floor. And the living room is quite small.

And now, let me tell you the dates of both different types of room.
Premium- 3, 8, 10, 14, 24.
Regular- 2, 21, 22, 23.

Yup, and we probably will be booking the Premium one which cost $230.
And for those who are staying, we have to check out between 9-12 the next day. :)
Ok, byebye! Make yourself free and decide on the dates, the voting will be on monday.

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